Elgin/New Leipzig Public School
School Improvement and Curriculum Council – SICC
Membership for 2023 -2024
Name Title Length of term
Russell Ziegler, Superintendent - Always
Terry T. Bentz, JH/HS Principal/AD - Always
Jared Bollom, Elementary Principal/K12 Counselor - Always
Teresa Corpuz, Title I Coodinator - Always
Nola Roth, K-12 Librarian - Always
Mike Mayer, Technology Coordinator - Always
Nicole Bentz, Elem. Teacher Representative - 1 year
Deb Michels, Elem. Teacher Representative - 2 years
Sharon Klein, JH/HS Teacher Representative - 1 year
Gillian Kochel, JH/HS Teacher Representative - 2 years
Larissa Harding, School Board Representative - 1 year
Laura Zimmerman, Parent Representative - 1 year
Erika Horst, Parent Representative - 1 year
Carly Doll, SWSEU Staff Representative - 1 year
Bryon Rosene, Staff Representative 1 year
The following are advisees to the SICC and will attend on an “as needed” basis:
Madison Zimmerman, Grade 9– 12 Student Representative - 1 year
TBD, Grade 9-12 Student Representative - 1 year